Thursday, October 28, 2010
I'm gonna be by my computer tomorrow (Friday) between 3 and 5PM Sweden time if anyone wants to chat. Would be a good distraction from my homework. ^^ Skype address is hlhwilli.
Rock on.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Does anyone have a deviantart account and also whats your deviant art-ID?
Please leave a comment, it would be great!
Okay, here we go!
And then there were three…

We are the three girls that are always late for school, always do our homework in the last second and always are the last ones to post our presentations. This time is not an exception.
First we have Frida Andersson, she´s 18 years old and lives in the central part of Helsingborg. When she graduates she would like to move to USA and search for money, success and true love.
Second up we have the adorable little miss Disa Schulz. She´s only 17 (baby baby baby oooh)! Disa is the president of Campeon and in the future she wants to rule the world.
The last one is the one and only; Thea Arvidsson! Age: 18. Enjoy: IKEA, ABBA, Kalles Kaviar, köttbullar, falukorv, dalahästar and midsommarstänger. Her biggest dream is to marry Harry Potter and move to Hogwarts.
Two guys + one cam = Yummyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
This is Naimas adress: "povelbira"
And this is Millies boyfriends adress (but Millie will answer): "felix ingheden"
Millie and Naima will answer separately.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Trevligt att Träffas!
Jag har fått era Skype-adresser från Katharina och klockan 11.10 vår tid, 17.10 er tid, är vi redo att Skypa med er imorgon, onsdag. Se till att vara inloggade från klockan 17.00 så att vi kan ringa upp. Lycka till! Hoppas att det blir både trevligt och intressant att prata med varandra.
PS Kom ihåg att en av grupperna skulle maila mig en adress.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Halloween, Chesterton, och Min Familj

I’m turning 18 in less then 3 weeks which is a HUGE deal for me – finally I’m not (theoretically) a kid anymore! I’ve always lived in the central part of Helsingborg, though in different apartments and houses, and I could never imagined living outside of the city. I’m definitive a city girl and Helsingborg is way too small for me so I can’t wait until I can move to a bigger and more exiting town. Luckily I have the opportunity to sometimes escape from Helsingboring (I’m really selling you the city aren’t I?) and travel to the south of Spain where my dad lives. And no my dad is not Spanish, he just prefers living there but he of course still spends time in Sweden because he has his company here and me. I’m actually going to Spain this Friday during our “autumn vacation” to get some sun and see my dad. I guess you guys think that I’m fluent in Spanish but unfortunately I’m not. I suck.
In Sweden I mostly live with my mum (except for when my dad is home) and my stepfather. I have one “half brother” on my mum’s side but he recently graduated from a hotel school in Switzerland and moved to Madrid. I also have two step siblings but they live in New York and New castle – soooo not jealous. I guess that’s all I have to say about my family. Oh I have a dog but she lives in Spain so I rarely see her.
Now a bit more about me. My biggest passion in life is music. I love music. I like almost all type of music but my favourite genre is rock. My best friend is my ipod (wow I’m such a nerd) and I carry it with me 24/7. Another huge passion in my life is dancing. Now I’m not like a professional dancer or anything, I just love to dance and I take classes during my free time. Seeing different places and travelling is something I love to do, especially going America. I’ve been there four times visiting Plattsburg and Boston, Florida and New York two times. Next time I want to go to the west coast and see California. Like most people I watch a lot of tv, for example Simpsons, family guy, Greys anatomy, true blood and other cheesy series. Basically if it’s on tv I like it. Facebook, fmylife, failblog and other blogs are also things I spend my time on.
During the weekends I usually go to parties, dinner parties or just watching bad horror flicks with friends. If it’s a really good Friday I’ll be screaming my ass of and jumping around like an idiot at a concert. Two weeks ago I saw Biffy Clyro, a pop/rock Scottish band, and hopefully I will convince someone to go and see Deftones with my In a few weeks but unfortunately not many of my friends share my taste in music.
Okay, so now you now a bunch of crap about me (Yaaay). Looking forward to talking to you more!
Peace out dudes!
Btw feel free to add me on facebook, Julia Ohlsson. Just look for the hot babe.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Spela Taboo!
Meghan (kvinna)
Nick (ginger)
Vi spelar en lek som heter Taboo med varandra. Ursäkta oss för ni kan inte höra våra röst så väl tyvärr.
Download File
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Bieber Feber!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Solig Kalifornia!

Den bäste platserna i Los Angeles är Santa Monica, Malibu, Westwood och West Hollywood.
Santa Monica är mycket intressant och har många affärer och stränder. Venice Beach är intressant också. Mitt favorit cafe i Venice är ”Flying Saucers Cafe” och ”Groundworks” cafe. Espresson är rostad varje dag och de är fantastisk! Venice och Santa Monica har ett stort musikliv också. De finns många musikanter och artister.
"Flying Saucers Caffeine and Art"
Malibu är bästa platsen att surfa och fotvandra. Vi har vackra solnedgångar också.
Vi har hajar i Malibu också!
UCLA ligger på Westwood. Westwood är som Ann Arbor men det är nära havet J.
West Hollywood är mycket trendigt och kul. Det finns många nattklubbar och konstgallerier här. West Hollywood har den största LGBT gemenskap i Los Angeles. Den här foto är av personer protester "Prop 8." Prop 8 är en gruvlig lag som förbjuder gay personer att gifta sig. Jag tycker att (och jag hoppas att) "Prop 8" ska bli upphäva snart.
Pacific Palisades (där jag bodde) är inte berömdtmen det är vackert ändå. ”Pali” ligger nära havet och staden och många berömda människor bor här. Ingen bryr sig om celebriteter – de är bara människor. Pacific Palisades är hemma på ”Den Sjöhelgedom.” Sjöhelgedomen är en monument för världsfred. De har ett stort Buddhist-stil tempel när man kan meditera om livet.
Jag älskar Kalifornien. Norra Kalifornien är vackert också. San Francisco är en av mina favoritstäder.
Los Angeles på natten.
Santa Monica badstrand
Min pojkvän och jag på badstranden!
Kalifornien är vackert och spännade. Det finns så mycket fantastisk saker i Los Angeles och i Kalifornien. Fråga mig om har ni några frågor om något annat!
Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Svensk kärlek
So can you hear some songs on swedish,
most if the songs are Swedish classics.
That´s why there´re both new and old songs.
I have made the list myself and of course there aint all Swedish most poular songs, that would be impossible and yes, of course there are great Swedish artist that sing in engilsh. But i thougt that i would be fun with some Swedish songs, in that way you guys can check if you understand what the are singing :).
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Let's get it started
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Yesterday I got my second tattoo done.
Well, it's not quite finished yet so that's why i'm not posting a picture here right now.
I really love it, it's an "artpiece" by my tattooist made for me. It probably sounds really weird but it's basically a cat.
He went bananas with it so it looks really cool and I love having it on my hip/thigh.
My tattooist is called Anestis and he really is a true artist.
It took him about 5 hours to do all the shading and coloring and it's still not done yet!
Moving on to another topic..
Could someone please explain the sorority/fraternity thing to me?
How do you choose or get chosen to it and what's it like being part of one?
Hope you all have a good day today and feel free to add me on Facebook if you'd like!
Friday, October 8, 2010

Hi you guys! My name is Naima and I'm turning 18 in 4 days :D I've been looking forward to this exchange since I started studing on Campeon. It's really interesting to read about you guys and I'm really excited that you'll come to Sweden.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

I don't think there is so much more to say about me. I look forward to talking more with you guys and if you have any questions, which I hope you do, just ask or add me on facebook. (is there really anyone who doesn't have facebook in this modern world? haha.

För två helger sedan körde jag till Grand Rapids för Art Prize. Jag körde i två och halv timme till Grand Rapids. Min vän hemifrån studerar på Grand Valley State University, och hon har bildkonst som huvudämne också. Hon är ett år yngre och är i hennes andra år på Grand Valley State University. Hon är halv Hawaiian och hon heter Kuu, kort för Kuuipokealohalani, Kuu är mycket lätt att säga!
Art Prize är en stor konsttävling, och vinsten är $250,000. Art Prize har kost i hela Grand Rapids, i pubar, museum, Kendall College, på gatorna och överallt i Grand Rapids. Konstnärer kommer från hela jorden. Art Prize är mycket intressant. Jag tror min målning borde vara på Art Prize, jag vill ha $250,000! Jag har många lån på universitet, och behöver pengar!
På fredagen gick vi till centrum i Grand Rapids och tittade lite på Art Prize. På lördagen såg vi ännu mer Art Prize. Jag har en professor i Art Prize, och jag ville se hons konst. Jag hittade en svensk målning och tog foton av den.
Förra helgen kom min pojkvän till Ann Arbor. Vi såg på filmen "Easy A" och gick ut på middag. "Easy A" är okej.
Den har helgen vill jag och min vän shoppa och köra till Detroit för en konsert. Jag har stressat den här veckan, med examen och presentationer och stort målning. Jag ska ha en bra helg, levande musik är bra för själen.
I'll do some of this in English too.
Two weekends ago I went to visit a friend from home that goes to Grand Valley State University and went to Art Prize in Grand Rapids. Grand Rapids is about two and a half hours from Ann Arbor.
Art Prize is this big art contest, and the artwork is hung all around the city, in bars, schools, museums, in the street, anywhere really. It's really cool. The winner get $250,000, which is a lot of money, and I should probably try to enter the competition, because I could use the money to pay back my student loans! One of my professors had art in it, and there was one Swedish artist.
This weekend I'm going to Detroit for a concert, after a stressful week in school, it'll be really nice to see some live music, I think live music is good for the soul.
So do you guys like art? Is there anything similar to Art Prize in Sweden?
Feel free to add me on facebook :)
Swedish or English?
Would you Americans like us Swedes to write in Swedish Instead? It would help you with some grammatical stuff and it would really ease things up for us not so good at the English language. Like me for instans.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Sport is not only for the guys!
The picture of me is not the best in the world but it describes what I love the most (exept the cooking part) The beautiful winter weather, skiing and exercising. LOOVE it!
But life is not always about the fun parts, now for exemple I am going to study before a major test in law that we are going to have tomorrow morning, so I wish you all a good day and night.
Emma Johansson

Hello boys and girls! The name of this young fellow at 17 years old is Daniel and I live in the same small village as some of the other swedes, such as Embla and Adam. I’m crazy about sports and I’ve played lots and lots of soccer throughout my life untill approximately two years ago. I then decided to begin my career of floorball, which is a very(VERY) rare sport, atleast in most parts of the world, and I bet you guys haven’t even heard about it. The only countries that the sport is somewhat big in is Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic and Switzerland! For those interested, if there is anyone, I’ll tell you a bit more about it and maybe find a something from Youtube that you can watch to understand what it is. As you might tell I’m really interested to sports and I also watch NHL hockey from time to time. I’ve even been to Madison Square Garden to watch Rangers play and I even bought a Henrik Lundqvist t-shirt!
Not a day passes by without me wearing my headphones, listening to music for atleast a couple of hours. Music is such a big part of my life, but unfortunately I don’t create any music of my own. I listen to tons of different types of music e.g. Familjen which I saw Collin listens to. What can I say, you have great taste in music! I listen to many other electronic bands but also a lot of rock etc.
And thank god for America and it’s awesome tv-shows. I’m constantly watching How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Rules of Engagement and Chuck. I just can’t get enough!
Well that’s about it, feel free to ask questions about anything!
Tjenixens, greetings from Adam Stigborn
Well I guess it´s hard to be last in line to write your presentation but if we start a short boring presentation of the so exciting me. I live in a minor village and I guess with your standards you could call it insignificant because of its 5000 inhabitants. All my life has always been about sports and mainly hockey and football – yes I´m talking about soccer - until about one year ago when I sadly realized that I wouldn´t make it to the NHL. So nowadays you could say that I spend a lot of time in school and doing my homework but I my classmates would kind of say the difference :/ So what do I do with my life? I got a lovely girlfriend so most of my time (and money) is based on her. Of course school is a big part of my schedule but a much smaller part then my pre-writers. So what it all comes down to is chilling, a lot of chillin’ and trying to find a loophole in the system of life like trying to earn some big money but with a lot less effort. Well I haven´t find it yet but shame if you quit. I work some times and a lot during the summers but during the winters I have a weekend job at a fish-store. Fabulous and glamorous you might think but that’s not all… I clean the fish store. So I am so low you can get in the food chain. I love vacations but then I want a pair of skies or a big as sailing boat that you really can push to the limit. I´m trying to take my driving license, both car and motorcycle. A boy dream is to drive a ducati ss, but with parents how hates the idea of a motorcycle it seems like I will have to wait a while but it´s always fun to have a goal in life. Mine is a motorcycle, funny….
Now I while go back to my Swedish life which includes loving everybody and paying 50% tax J (L)
Your sincerely(!?) Adam Stigborn
It would be really funny to discuss with you yanks your thoughts of Sweden, and only to clarify what Mariette said; no one is named Inga anymore and most girls don’t have giant boobs (only the really, really fat ones) and besides that, blonde hair color is so 2001. Nowadays everyone is mixing their colors into a tint you couldn’t even imagine. Its one part pink, two parts purple and the rest is just a mystery, and the result, well, I don’t think that specific color even got a name.
So please, write me back and criticize, ask and talk about the Swedish society. I’ve got lots of opinions about America too, so don’t hold back your mind. For example why you’ve got a soda called root beer, when there is no trace of beer what so ever?
Peace// Kristian
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Jag ska börja med en kort film..... HAHAHA
Jag ska ge några foto i den här post. Jag glömmade före. Förlåt. Jag måste skriva den här vecka på blog men det är inte längt tid fram förra tid. Jag har gjort inte mycket till nu så jag ska skriva om ett minne från sommar!
I början av juni tältade jag med min flickvän. Vi fotvandrade för tre dagar. Det regnade alla tredje dag så det var dåligt. Vi gick i nörra Michigan. Jag ska post en bild av när.

Mitt hår var inte så bra! Det för jag bära en hatt hela dagen. Jag har inte många foton från andra dag så jag ska prata om tredje nu. Det regnade när vi vaknade i morgonen. Vi hade lägga upp alla söker i regnen. Vi var mycket våt och jättekallt!! Vi gick nära sjutton kilometers på dagen. Vi tänkte att vi skulle sluta för alla söker var våt. Det var lite ledsen.
Min mamma körde oss tillbaka min famijls stuga i Higgins Lake, MI runt sex på kvällen. Vi åt mycket och blev varmt igen. Min saga är slut nu. Jag hoppas alla du gillar det! Tycker du om att tälta eller att fotvandra? och naturen?
Jag har ett mer fråga for du svensk vänner. Det är om min vinter boots. Jag köpte dem på morgonen idag. Jag vill ha boots att bli inte våt när jag går till klasser hela dagen så mitt fötter är varmt. Det finns mycket snö i vintret Skulle de vara fint i Sverige elle skulle manniskör förlöjligar jag?
Här de är:
Tack för läser!
Din vän,