Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tre amerikanska pojkar

Alex Redman
Andrew Marcelle
Scott Robbins

Download File


  1. HAHA! Love this video! I laughed like hell. PS: Good Swedish.

  2. haha, I can not do anything but agree with Mariette and say that I love this video! LOL! awesome!

  3. Haha that's just great guys. Hahah I can't stop laughing!

  4. Haha, ni är ju bara för SÖTA! (Okej, det var ju rätt kul också, skrattar så jag håller på att dö) :D Lägg upp videon på en svensk datingsite och tjejerna kommer bli som galna! ;)

    In english: That was like the cutest thing ever, I'm laughing so hard I feel like I'm going to die or something. ^^ I suggest you guys put that video up on a swedish dating site or something, the girls would be all over you :)(Or facebook? Maybe we could hook you up ;)

  5. OMG! You guys just HAVE to come to Sweden! If you don't I'm gonna go there myself just to get to meet you guys! HAHAHAHHAHA!

  6. Hahahahha this just made my day hahahaha
