Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hej Campeon

Hej. Jag heter Danny Vargo och jag kommer från Troy, Michigan. Jag studerar engelska på universitet Michigan och bor i Ann Arbor nu. Jag bor med fem kamrater i ett hus det är mycket gamalt och slitet. Jag har inte något svenskt blod i mig men jag är intresserad av kulturen.
På min fritid tycker jag om att läsa, gå på bio, och lyssna på musik. Mitt favoritband är Ween. På gymnasiet spelade jag ishockey och baseboll och jag tycker om att spela när jag kan idag. Också göra jag filmer och skriver storyer. Jag redigerar en film som apokolypsen men mycket av filmen var förstördes i klippningen. Min favoritsak göra är att dagdrömma. Jag hoppas höra från er snart. Hej då!

Med vänliga hälsningar,

Hey Campeon. Sorry that you have to read about my boring life in two languages. I'm assuming your English far exceeds my Swedish so I will write as though I am speaking to a smart 8th grader. I come from Troy, Michigan, about an hour East of Ann Arbor. It is dreadfully boring in all seasons and the only thing anyone cares about there is money. As I said, I go to the U of M and study English Literature. I live in a house just south of campus with five friends. I'm probably the only student in my Swedish class who is not Swedish at all, though I am a huge fan of Nordic mythologies and Ingmar Bergman films.
I like to read, watch movies and listen to various sorts of music. Ween is one of my favorite bands; they play comedic and nonsensical music in various genres. I hate to declare favorites, as they are very relative and meaningless but one of my favorite directors is Werner Herzog and one of my favorite authors is Albert Camus. In high school I played hockey and baseball. I doubt baseball is very popular in Sweden, but I'm sure many of you are hockey fans. The Detroit Red Wings are known for their Swedish talents such as Lidstrom, Zetterburg, Franzen, etc but I'm sure you already know that. Over the summer I attempted to make a short film on an old 16mm camera but the lab ruined a lot of the film. The greatest of all past times is daydreaming, and I find I daydream best while walking. Hope to hear from you soon.


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